What do we think about, when we do nothing?

I was at home. Almost three months... Over 100 days. This was the lockdown period. There wasn't any chance to go outside. And probably if you could, you had to dress like a warrior. Wear all those new accessories mainly the face MASK. Yes, it's the lockdown gain in vain. A gift to all. The face mask has given a common look to everyone. A common man look, maybe. But I also think that the mask has snatched away our identity, Our face. And yes, our smile, of course. But that doesn't matter. After all, we smile to make others happy along with ourselves. Now, let's smile to make ourselves happy. Nevertheless, beneath our mask. For me, was this lockdown time a period to do nothing? Was it really so? I Ponder, I think. I wonder, and blink. Auh! It's really tough to decide. There were things which I did try, like cooking, painting, sketching, photography, gardening, observing, listening, reading, scribbling some stuff, (jus...