“I need My SPACE” Many a times our inner, subconscious mind craves for it - ‘My SPACE’ An area which is otherwise empty but your presence makes it special, your simply being there, gives a meaning to it. It’s only yours. It’s between you & you alone. A place where you feel free, calm, stress-free, at peace, at ease from your everyday chaotic schedule. When we are engaged with our life, we receive & accept it as it is. We all are so much into working, completing never-ending to-do lists that we sometimes forget that we should also be with ourselves, we need to discover ourselves. May be this space changes as the person grows up. It’s a playground when you are a kid. It’s your college when you are a teen. A quiet corner of home for an adult. It can be just anything. Your very ‘own’ place, making you feel safe, serene, free and happy. Being at home, with family, close friends makes us feel complete. Yes, we can be ourselves wherever we go. Sometimes, in fact...